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Ontvangen van een Amerikaanse Spitfire 'fan'
Ontvangen van een Amerikaanse Spitfire 'fan'
Hello Fred, Is nothing sacred?
4 wheel drive, Chevrolet V-6 3.1 liter 130Kw, fuel injection
Chevrolet 4 speed automatic transmission, high and low range transfer case gears
Jeep front axle with disc brakes, Ford rear axle with disk brakes, Suzuki power master cylinder
Suzuki Samauri power steering, 4,000KG front winch, 75 liter fuel tank, engine driven air compressor for powering air tools and tire inflation, 120 amp welder. Klaxon horn.
I was looking for used tires and found this project car. The owner's wife did not like wilderness travel and she told him to sell it before the car was completed. I have owned 8 Spitfires and 6 GT-6 so I bought it and towed this Spitfire home.
Wiring the computer was difficult. Many problems had to be solved before the Spitfire became very reliable. Young Americans spend much effort raising their 4 wheel drive trucks high off the ground, adding big tires and off road parts, and never take their trucks off the road. This Spitfire has been on mountain trails and up rocky river beds. I enjoy welding and repairing other broken Jeeps and trucks so that they can drive back to civilization.
I would not have done this to a Spitfire if it was not already a half finished project. I wanted to do this to a Suzuki Swift convertible instead. There are very few Spitfires on our roads today. I am 53 years old and many of my generation recognize and remember the Spitfire. This car attracts much attention everywhere it goes.
I am sorry that I cannot speak Dutch. I enjoy looking at the photos on your web site. The Dutch also have a very good Honda CBX motorcycle site.
Kim David, Pleasant hill, California, USA
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